How to Travel with a Lady

We know you’re big into traveling, so we need to know the most exotic place you’ve ever been to?
I have been to a great many places but on one of my trips to India my friends took me to a temple out in a secluded area. It was like a nightclub and a religious experience all in one. By the time we left I had turmeric on my face, flowers in my hair and forgot my shoes but it was incredible.

As a model, you’ve gone to a bunch of amazing spots for work so naturally, we would to know which was your favorite?
Cannes, France is hands down my favorite. The film festival in Cannes is the best thing on this earth in my book. It’s where all my favorite things like work, fashion and yachts all converge in one magical place. If you ever find yourself in Cannes the Hotel Du Cap and The Majestic Bar are an absolute must.

Any crazy stories about drunken escapades or random culture shock?
Last time I was in Jamaica we went to this otherworldly hotel called Strawberry Hill. Strawberry Hill is known for two things, a spectacular view and their fantastic Blackwell Rum Punches. Which makes the long drive up the mountain to get there all worthwhile. After a few too many drinks we made our way back down the mountain. It was dark and the road was just crawling with what I thought were feral goats. I made my friend pull over several times because I was hellbent on petting one. Finally after my fifth goat petting attempt I finally got one to let me pet it. Out of nowhere in the dark a very angry man comes out of the jungle to chew me out. Even sober I can’t understand Jamaican Patois. Let alone toasted in the dark; while petting a goat. I ran back to the car and my friends were laughing at me because apparently the man was convinced that I was stealing his goat. After speeding away, we got pulled over and had to explain to the police (by explain I mean bribe) that I had upset a guy by petting his goat and we were not at all drunk.

What about food?
You’ve had to eat some gnarly stuff given all the places you’ve visited. On several occasions I have eaten things and I didn’t even know what it was. The strangest thing I have had was squid ink bread at a restaurant in Tokyo. It’s dark purple and tastes a bit saltier than regular bread. Apparently, squid ink is good for digestion or so I’ve been told.

Have you ever traveled with a significant other and whether you have or not, what do you think the trick is to having a good trip regardless?
I have on a rare occasion traveled with a significant other. It’s best not to over-schedule your trip and leave lots of room for spontaneity. The best adventures are never planned.

You’re sort of a jack-of-all-trades when it comes to entertainment, what’s your favorite outlet: video or podcast?
On camera work is far and above my favorite. Visual storytelling is the throwline of all of my work whether it be modeling, acting or producing. I need picture with sound. So much so that if a song doesn’t have a cute music video I have zero interest in it. Directing was not at all something I set out to do with my life but I’ll gladly take any excuse to use a bullhorn.

What’s your favorite part about your gig?
I love meeting and working with people from every walk of life in our big beautiful world. It’s given me a skill set that cannot be cultivated in any other way. I think some of my best thoughts while I’m out having an adventure in some faraway place. I always say, world exploration is self-exploration.

Lastly, sex on a beach, in a museum or on the balcony of an Airbnb for all to see? In a museum would be a new one… puts new meaning to “going down in history.”

Source: FHM Magazine

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