Malaysians have been advised to wear two masks when going out in public. Studies show that double masking can block up to 85% of particles in the air, while a single cloth or surgical mask only blocks 51% and 56% respectively.
The Covid-19 virus mainly spreads through respiratory droplets when someone talks, coughs or sneezes. Wearing an additional layer, therefore, increases filtration and safety.
If air escapes from the sides of your mask, it is too loose on your face. An outer mask can apply gentle pressure on the inner mask to seal any gaps and prevent particles from escaping or entering.

Here are some further tips for double masking:
- Wear a cloth mask over a surgical mask.
- Avoid other combinations as the fit might be affected and it could be more difficult to breathe.
- Make sure the outer mask presses the inner mask to your face and forms a seal. Test this by cupping a hand over your mask and feel for air escaping from the sides when you breathe. If you don’t feel any air, your mask is sealed properly.
- Your double mask should not make breathing difficult or block your vision.
- Double up when you are out in public to keep yourself and your loved ones safe.
This article first appeared in kaodim.com.
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