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Ilham warna bumi Maghribi

Ilham warna bumi Maghribi

Malay News: jenama hijab terkenal, Ariani tampil memperkenalkan koleksi tudung terbaharunya yang bertemakan keindahan semarak warna bumi Maghribi. Tema itu memberikan kelainan gaya barisan tudung siap, selendang atau telekung baharu keluaran Ariani yang menjadi pelengkap busana Aidilfitri, sekali gus menyerlahkan keanggunan dan cita rasa feminin. Cetusan fesyen baharu itu dipertontonkan pada pertunjukan fesyen di Hotel […]

Ilham warna bumi Maghribi Read More »

Malaysians can now use MyDebit ATM cards at some shops in Singapore

Malaysians can now use MyDebit ATM cards at some shops in Singapore

Cross-border payments between Singapore and Malaysia just got a huge boost, after the Republic’s NETS and Malaysia’s PayNet announced that their payment terminals can now accept each other’s cards. This comes a year after NETS ATM card payments were first enabled overseas, in Johor Bahru. With the announcement, NETS ATM cards can now be used

Malaysians can now use MyDebit ATM cards at some shops in Singapore Read More »

Ili Zheng has ‘fixed partner’ to satisfy her sexual needs twice a month

Ili Zheng has ‘fixed partner’ to satisfy her sexual needs twice a month

Busty Taiwanese actress Ili Zheng Jiazhen is known for her 34D “assets” which earned her praise from social media for baring it all in a recently published calendar. In a recent interview with Taiwanese media, the One Night in Taipei star spoke about her love life that raised eyebrows when she revealed that despite being

Ili Zheng has ‘fixed partner’ to satisfy her sexual needs twice a month Read More »

Idina Menzel and Billy Porter get in the holiday spirit

Idina Menzel and Billy Porter get in the holiday spirit

The duo covered Irving Berlin’s Christmas jazz standard for Menzel’s latest holiday album, Christmas: A Season of Love, which arrived last October. The full-length found the Tony winner collaborating with various guest artists on a selection of holiday classics and brand new original songs, such as A Hand for Mrs Claus. Among them are Broadway

Idina Menzel and Billy Porter get in the holiday spirit Read More »

Melangkah Terpaksa sebenarnya untuk Nike Ardilla, kata Azie Mustapha

Melangkah Terpaksa sebenarnya untuk Nike Ardilla, kata Azie Mustapha

Pada pertengahan 1990an, dua lagu berjudul Pelamin Anganku Musnah dan Kau Tetap Dalam Anganku dendangan Azie Mustapha pernah menggegarkan industri muzik tempatan, malah sehingga kini lagu hit itu masih menjadi pilihan untuk dinyanyikan terutamanya di pusat-pusat karaoke. Kedua-dua lagu yang dicipta oleh komposer Saari Amri khas untuk Azie telah menaikkan namanya di persada muzik tanah

Melangkah Terpaksa sebenarnya untuk Nike Ardilla, kata Azie Mustapha Read More »

Presiden Iran utus surat kepada Raja Arab Saudi

Presiden Iran utus surat kepada Raja Arab Saudi

Malay News: Presiden Iran Hassan Rouhani telah mengutus surat kepada Raja Arab Saudi untuk menjalin kerjasama mengenai keamanan serantau, lapor agensi berita Xinhua memetik agensi berita Tasnim. “Surat itu berkaitan isu keamanan dan kestabilan serantau,” kata jurucakap kerajaan Rabbi Ali pada Isnin. “Kami percaya hubungan dua hala boleh dijalinkan di rantau ini dan tekanan Amerika

Presiden Iran utus surat kepada Raja Arab Saudi Read More »

Azharina harap k’jaan, stesen TV kaji semula bayaran artis tempatan

Azharina harap k’jaan, stesen TV kaji semula bayaran artis tempatan

Penyanyi Azharina Azhar berharap semua pihak berkaitan termasuk kerajaan dan syarikat televisyen swasta mengkaji semula harga bayaran kepada artis tempatan yang membuat persembahan pentas. Katanya, susulan belum ada harga mengikut piawaian yang ditetapkan, terdapat segelintir penganjur dengan sewenang-wenangnya mengenakan kadar bayaran terlalu rendah meskipun artis tersebut sudah lama menempah nama dalam industri seni dan hiburan.

Azharina harap k’jaan, stesen TV kaji semula bayaran artis tempatan Read More »

Korean actor Ahn Jae-hyun appears stressed

Korean actor Ahn Jae-hyun appears stressed

Actor Ahn Jae-hyun appeared stressed and sweated profusely during an event to promote his latest television drama in his first public appearance following his messy split from Korean actress Goo Hye-sun. Korean pop culture website Allkpop reported that the 32-year-old apologised for the ‘inconvenience’ caused by his private affairs during the press conference. While Ahn

Korean actor Ahn Jae-hyun appears stressed Read More »

Highly qualified Ladies engineers spearhead

Highly qualified Ladies engineers spearhead

Malay News: Three women engineers are now spearheading the Ministry of Energy, Science, Technology, Environment and Climate Change (MESTECC) to empower the energy, science, technology, environment and climatic change agenda. Other than its minister, Yeo Bee Yin and her deputy Isnaraissah Munirah Majilis who came from engineering backgrounds, the latest is Datuk Ir Siti Hamisah

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